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This year marks the 10th anniversary of LCCA. This decade has brought its challenges, but has also brought us much to be proud of. We continue to strive to establish a stable, long-term financial basis for our work; despite this backdrop of uncertainty, we are proud of our successes. We have made rich and varied contributions to the lives and welfare of both the Chinese community and the wider community of Leeds.

Here, on behalf of LCCA, I express my wholehearted thanks to the authorities, social organisations, and many individuals who have supported LCCA. Our supporters are many and diverse Chinese and English, young and old, acade-


mic and commercial, administrators and private. We have an active management committee, many hard-working volunteers, and dedicated full-time and part-time staff. Whatever your function, I want to say 'thank you' for your support and contribution to LCCA. All your efforts are invaluable and without your commitment and hard work, LCCA could not exist.

During the past year, LCCA, as before, has been fulfilling its mission of service to the Chinese community and also enabling it to be better integrated into the wider community. We have organised diverse activities and offered a wide range of services. In February, we held our Chinese New Year celcbrations in the West Yorkshire Playhouse - a hugely enjoyable and successful occasion. More recently, in September, we held our Mid-Autumn Business Dinner, an event designed to bring Chinese and British business together, to develop friendship and cultural exchange. In Chinese health advice services, we are continuing to work with Touchstone to promote healthy living and to improve access to the National Health Services. In elderly people's welfare, we continue, in partnership with Leeds Chinese Women's Group, to run a twice-weekly Luncheon Club. In education and training, we continue to run classes in English and Mandarin. Our centre manager has been successful in obtaining funding from the Local Network Fund to enhance the unity of the Chinese community and we are continually seeking ways of working co-operatively with otherorganisations. Above all, we always try to do our best to serve Chinese people and the Chinese community.

LCCA is still facing financial difficulties. We still need to find a stable long-term financial basis for our work. Our greatest asset is the support and dedication which so many bring to this Association. My greatest wish is that we can all continue to work together to develop LCCA, to build up a healthy, auspicious, strong and united Chinese community.


David LEE

Chairman LCCA





在过去的一年,利兹华人协会一如既往,奉着为华人社区服务,为华人融入当地社会而努力的宗旨,坚持不懈地为华人社区及当地社会组织各种活动,提供各方面的服务。今年二月,我们成功地在Yorkshire Playhouse举办了大型的庆新春活动,受到各界的好评。今年九月,我们又再次出色地举办了中秋商务晚宴,为中英双方的经济往来牵线搭桥,为促进双方的友好交往添砖加瓦。在华人健康服务方面,我们继续获得Touchstone的相关项目,为华人提供健康问题讲座和咨询服务。在老人福利方面,我们继续与妇女组合作,共同搞好每周两次的老人午餐会。在教育和职业培训方面,我们仍然举办各种不同类型的学习课程,如英文半和普通话班等。此外,我们在中心经理的努力下,申请了Local Network Fund的一个支持华人青少年的项目,为华人青少年组织丰富有益的课外活动。我们积极参与由市政府牵头的,旨在寻求利兹各界华人的相互合作的,组建利兹华人社区论坛的事物。我们一直保持与各界的友好合作,为服务华人,服务社区尽职尽力。



